Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Rest - Sabbath . . . and Psalm 23

Morning to you all.  when i started writing this today it was morning (11:59) but it may be afternoon before I finish.  Yesterday was a glum start but things picked up.  I can attribute that to several things:  God's Word, giving thanks (raises endorphins - natural high), seeing God's purpose for me - why He created me and the uniqueness of me, exercise always has a way of chasing away stress, and my dear wife to come home to.

Today's study is on Psalm 23 - but I'm also trying to put together a sermon on REST, the SAbbath day commandment.  So the following might fit that theme also.  Let's see where we ramble.

Psalm 23 - The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

  • The LORD - that's God's name.  Some pronounce is "Jehovah,"  some say "Yahweh"
  • My - personal and connected.  He is not Only someone else's God and Lord and Shepherd; He is MINE!  He has committed to that - and I love it.
  • SHepherd - taking me, His rather ignorant and arrogant and obnoxious sheep, and gently leading me.
  • I shall not want - so why do I find myself "wanting"?  do I forget that He is shepherding me and leading me and do I rather, want to lead myself and assume that I know what is better for myself?  Probably.
Lord Jesus, the human and divine embodiment of YAHWEH, don't let me escape your shepherding.  I know looking back how much I neeeeeeeeed you.  Help me on these good days to not take your peace and satisfaction for granted.  Give me a steadfast heart that searches your Word and gets closer to you.

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