Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PSALM 100 verses 4 and 5 . . . one other thought.

another thought on the commandment about the name of the Lord . . .

to take up God's name for "nothingness" would be like taking a stick of dynamite and sticking it in your back pocket or carelessly tossing it around your living room, letting your kids play with it, setting it next to the stove, tossing it in a campfire.  You miss out on the amazing potential and power of that stick of dynamite and it could literally hurt or kill you.

we wouldn't do that with dynamite - why would we do that with the Name of the LORD which has the power, REAL Dynamite power, to save?!?

Lift up Jesus' real powerful name in thanks, praise and conversation with Him.  . . . and be real about what you are going through: the temptations, the frustrations, the hurts, the worries, the joys and pleasures.

be blessed,


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