Monday, July 22, 2013

Psalm 31

Starting the day with God thoughts - here are two very positive ones from Psalm 31:

verse 7  I will be glad and rejoice in your love,
    for you saw my affliction
    and knew the anguish of my soul.

to be "glad" in the Love that flows from Heaven's King to me, to you, to all.
If we are not "glad" and able to rejoice, then our focus is often more on the negative events that encircle our life.  We can be glad and rejoice because God's love is at the center of our existence and troubles float in the periphery.  If we are glum, sad, despairing, then we have left God's love somewhere on the periphery of our minds and let troubles take center stage.

Lord, Bless us to see your love as constant and enticing and intriguing and fulfilling.  Let us strive to see you better and better.  Kneel down to us so we can see you face to face in your Word - Your Holy Word.

Verses 23-24  
Love the Lord, all his faithful people!
    The Lord preserves those who are true [trust] to him,
    but the proud he pays back in full.
24 Be strong and take heart,
    all you who hope in the Lord.

The Lord is at work preserving those who know they can't make it without Him.
Preserve us, Lord!

thank you for being our strength.  Thank you for giving us a stronghold in which to hide.

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