Saturday, July 27, 2013

Genesis 24 - Marriage then and today

A couple of notes from the sermon for tomorrow:

Genesis 24:1
Abraham was now very old, and the Lord had blessed him in every way.

How old was Abraham?
· This takes place three years after Sarah’s death (Genesis 23) and Abraham is now 140 years old.
· That would make Isaac 40 years old.

Genesis 24:2
He said to the senior servant in his household, the one in charge of all that he had, “Put your hand under my thigh.

Why “under the thigh?” 
· This practice is a type of covenant or promise made with physical contact – much like we would shake hands.  So why the thigh?  Some say that this is because it is close to the area of procreation and Abraham was asking Eliezer to help his son in the area of picking a wife and in turn, creating a family (furthering the line toward the Savior).

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