Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Psalm 119 - Ten Commandment monument toppled in DC . . . PART ONE

What is a Christian to think when this happens?  see this article:  Ten Commandments toppled in DC

Psalm 119
All the wicked hate and despise the laws, word and statutes of our God.  Psalm 119 speaks about that and the incident in DC points to a practical application of that.  It is normal for Christians to be outraged and angry when this happens.  In a sense, we feel attacked.  But it is God who is attacked and HE has established His laws to be eternal – they are not going away no matter how many rise up against them.  See verses 119, 139, and 152.  There is comfort!!!

119 All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross;
    therefore I love your statutes.
120 My flesh trembles in fear of you;
    I stand in awe of your laws.

139 My zeal wears me out,
    for my enemies ignore your words.

151 Yet you are near, Lord,
    and all your commands are true.
152 Long ago I learned from your statutes
    that you established them to last forever.

One: God fights for Himself – He’s big enough and tough enough to deal with vandals.  So that’s not a problem.
Two: God has made His word and laws eternal – they are not going away no matter how many vandals show up.

Three:  this is only indicative of a larger problem that is at the heart of Americans AND Christians also.  We don’t speak out and have not “discipled” the way we should.  We might have forced religion down peoples’ throats but that doesn’t make a disciple.  Relationship makes disciples by the Spirit and the Word and Experience and Application of Biblical principals.

*please see "part two" for  more on this topic.

:)  God is still at peace, in charge, not missing a beat and totally in love with you.  get to know Him!

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