Thursday, September 19, 2013

Compassion - Chew on that word for a moment

Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children,
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;

Every once in a while I like to pop a word into the Merriam-Webster page to find out little details about that word.  I did that today with "compassion."  Here is what I found:

Compassion is a sympathetic awareness of another person's distress TOGETHER WITH a desire to alleviate it. 

So that means God is very sensitive to our emotions and our challenges, desires, hurts, needs, etc. The New Testament word often used for "compassion" reflects that Jesus actually felt the hurt of others (it hurt his innards) AND had a strong desire to release these people from their distress. Some He would touch and heal. Some he would provide a lunch. For others, Jesus would raise their son, daughter, brother from the dead to relieve that distress. Its good to know that God has real concern and desire to help us AND has unchecked strength to alleviate our pain or turn our pain into something good. Thank you, Jesus for your compassion!!!

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