Saturday, September 21, 2013

Psalm 105 and 106- Remember God's Deeds. Here's why:

Psalm 105 and Psalm 106
Always wondered what the big deal is with "remembering" all that God has done. Psalm 105 verse 2 and 4 says, "Sing to Him, Sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. . . . Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always." Well I was reading Psalm 106 verse 13 and it answers the question "why should we remember His acts/deeds?" v.13 says "But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait on His counsel, His good advice." Then in the verses that follow it shows the hurt that they brought on their own life by forgetting to tell of the great things God had done - they got lost; they shook their fists at God, they were subject to wasting diseases, they grew envious of others and lost their life, they turned from worshiping God and worshiped themselves, their prosperity, they started to do all kinds of hurtful things to their families and themselves.

My prayer, Lord Jesus help us to always remember what cool, amazing, love-inspired things you have done for us so that we don't end up hurting like they did.

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