Saturday, August 10, 2013

Words are like the Fruit of a tree

Heard this great sermon that really hit the connection between words and the heart.  Matthew 12 tells about Jesus blasting the Pharisees on their words.

in the Matt. 12:33-37 account, the tree is the heart and the fruit is the collection of words that come out of the heart.

Matthew 12:33-37
The Voice (VOICE)
33 Good trees produce good fruits; bad trees produce bad fruits. You can always tell a tree by its fruits. 34 You children of snakes, you who are evil—how could you possibly say anything good? For the mouth simply shapes the heart’s impulses into words. 

The only way to deal with hurtful words is repentance.

And if you have received some hurt from other people's words, the way to assuage your own hurt is to forgive.

Here is that link to the sermon on words:

blessings to you all, In Jesus!

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