Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Covet vs. Contentment

we studied the 9th and 10th Commandments this last Sunday - Do not Covet.  What I found interesting about this commandment, is how natural it is for us to covet and how marketing in America promotes covet.  How?  We, as Americans, are better off than 90% of the globe - FACT!  We also are less happy and more depressed.  Americans (somewhere close to 100 million) consume more depression meds - it is our highest purchased prescription drug!  Crazy!  So even though we have tons of stuff, we are not happy.

Therefore, the possession of stuff will not necessarily make you happy.

Psalm 62: 5 says, "My soul, Find rest in God; my hope comes from Him."
rest and contentment and happiness are available but not from the possession of stuff.  Some studies actually point to the idea that the more we accumulate the more we worry about losing that stuff.  So if happiness can't come from Stuff alone (or is short-lived) AND we worry about losing that stuff AND advertising is luring us into more purchases, IS THERE AN ANSWER?

of course - God is our rest, our refuge, our joy.

Here is the quick approach:
1. count your blessings.  Count out all the things you can be thankful for and say thanks to God for them.  Thanksgiving is one of the most powerful emotions - it triggers the release of endorphins (happy drugs) in the brain.
2. give to someone who needs.  Wouldn't you know it, this also triggers the release of endorphins.  Both of these are promoted by God and we get to experience them and be blessed by them.
3. Find your true rest, happy, joy in KNOWING Jesus.  How?  Ask the question, "Jesus, what are you REALLY like?" just before reading a chapter from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.  The more you get to know the Real Jesus, the more you realize that you are UNconditionally loved, you are precious to Him, you are forgiven, He gave Himself for you, He is preparing a place for you in Heaven.

Be blessed.

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