Monday, June 17, 2013


We had our church picnic yesterday - complete with worship service and potluck, lots of grilled foods to follow.  Many good things came from the day.  We were made aware of several challenges for two of our sisters in the faith - that gives us something to pray for.  We had clear blue skies, so warm and not a hint of rain; WOW!  That was a welcome gift after the last months of almost solid rain and cold.  Also lots of visitors, great conversations over perfectly grilled Turkey (nice job, Fran and Joel)!

What I never expected to see was a middle aged woman timidly approaching the shelter with her very full wire push cart, stuffed with bags of . . . stuff.  She was looking for a meal:  "Is this a private picnic or is it open to the public?"  She wasn't 'badly' dressed but would stand out as a little rough compared to most of those gathered.  But I know the congregation and better still, I know the heart of Jesus for a lady like this - out on the street, collecting all she can to survive and probably really hungry about this time of day.  He loves her and wants to care for her.  We got to be one of the ways Jesus cared for her yesterday.

On top of that it gave several members an opportunity to talk to her as well.  Lord Jesus, please bless Marie and thank you for blessing us with her presence yesterday.

Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

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